Friday, 27 November 2020



 On Monday and Tuesday we had biking it was really fun we learnt easy ways to stop,turning and it was really fun and I was amazed by so many people that have never rode a bike before but they learned in the end and that's great and also we had this game were you have to bike around until there's a really small space to bike  and its really fun although I hadn't won a singe one but that's ok because i won another game were you have to be the last person to cross the finish line and something surprising  was that Demetrius and Aarya won two. And I won one and  also we had to check our bikes to check if it was good and no broken parts so what they called was A.B.C.D.Q. A was for air in the tire. B was for breaks to see if they worked. and C was for chains to see if they were in place. D was drop test for the noise if it was clicky that meant you had to see if there was something wrong with your chain. and Q was quick release i hope you like my blog blog ya later     

Friday, 20 November 2020



 Have you ever done skateboarding during school?

 Well, Waikowhai did.

On 20th of November 2020, we had super fun skateboarding. We learnt new tricks and games like going down a ramp, balancing, Ollie's,180s,and kick flip,and especially doing a kick flip while skating.  I use right  foot because its more comfortable and way easier for me to use and control the board. What was challenging was going down the ramp and to keep my balance but I am positive I will get it in the end. I am happy we got to do skateboarding and our teachers are really nice and helped us a lot. sayonara /bye bloggers! see you next time when i post